
Credit card processing is an essential aspect of modern business operations, allowing companies to accept card payments conveniently. However, the associated fees can be a significant expense for businesses. To help you navigate this financial challenge, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide on the five best ways to save on credit card processing fees. By implementing these strategies, you can optimize your payment processing costs and boost your bottom line.

  1. Shop Around for the Right Processor

Choosing the right payment processor is a crucial first step in reducing credit card processing fees. Not all processors are created equal, and their fee structures can vary significantly. To find the best fit for your business, consider the following:

a. Rate Comparison: Compare the processing rates offered by different providers. Pay attention to interchange fees (charged by card networks like Visa and Mastercard) and the processor’s markup.

b. Pricing Models: Understand the different pricing models, such as flat-rate, interchange-plus, or tiered pricing. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on your business type and transaction volume.

c. Hidden Fees: Be vigilant about hidden fees, such as monthly statement fees, PCI compliance fees, or termination fees. Ensure that the processor is transparent about all costs.

d. Negotiate: Don’t hesitate to negotiate with potential processors. They may be willing to offer better rates or incentives to win your business, especially if you have a substantial transaction volume.

  1. Implement EMV and NFC Technology

The payment landscape is continually evolving, and adopting the latest payment technologies can help you save on processing fees. Two critical technologies to consider are EMV (Europay, Mastercard, and Visa) and NFC (Near Field Communication):

a. EMV Chip Cards: Upgrading your payment terminals to accept EMV chip cards can reduce your liability for fraudulent transactions. Many processors offer lower fees for EMV transactions since they are considered more secure.

b. NFC Payments: Embrace NFC technology to facilitate contactless payments through methods like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and contactless cards. These transactions often come with lower processing fees compared to traditional card swipes.

By embracing these technologies, you not only enhance security but also potentially qualify for lower processing rates.

  1. Optimize Payment Processing Software

The software you use for payment processing plays a significant role in fee management. Here’s how to optimize it:

a. Choose the Right Software: Select payment processing software that aligns with your business needs. Look for options that offer flexibility and scalability as your business grows.

b. Update Regularly: Keep your payment processing software up to date to ensure it remains compliant with industry standards. Outdated software may be subject to higher fees.

c. Integrate with Accounting Software: Integrate your payment processing software with your accounting system to streamline financial reporting and reduce the risk of errors.

d. Monitor Transactions: Regularly review your transaction history and statements to identify any irregularities or unexpected fees. This proactive approach can help you catch and address issues promptly.

  1. Encourage Cash and ACH Payments

While credit card payments offer convenience to customers, they come with processing fees that cut into your profits. Encourage alternative payment methods to reduce these fees:

a. Cash Payments: Offering discounts or incentives for cash payments can motivate customers to pay with cash, reducing credit card transaction volume.

b. ACH Payments: Encourage customers to set up ACH (Automated Clearing House) payments for recurring transactions, such as subscriptions or monthly fees. ACH transactions typically have lower processing fees than credit card transactions.

c. Digital Wallets: Promote the use of digital wallets like PayPal or Venmo, which often have lower processing fees than traditional credit card payments.

d. Direct Bank Transfers: Consider accepting direct bank transfers, which can be cost-effective for larger transactions.

By diversifying your payment options and steering customers toward lower-cost methods, you can minimize credit card processing expenses.

  1. Maintain PCI Compliance

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance is essential for all businesses that handle credit card data. Maintaining compliance not only protects your customers’ sensitive information but can also lead to cost savings:

a. Non-Compliance Penalties: Non-compliance can result in significant fines and increased processing fees. Ensure that your business adheres to all PCI DSS requirements to avoid these penalties.

b. Data Security: Protecting cardholder data reduces the risk of data breaches and fraud, which can lead to costly chargebacks and higher processing fees.

c. Use Secure Payment Gateways: Choose payment gateways that prioritize security and compliance. Many gateways offer tools and features to help businesses maintain PCI compliance.


Reducing credit card processing fees is essential for maximizing your business’s profitability. By shopping around for the right processor, embracing modern payment technologies, optimizing payment processing software, encouraging alternative payment methods, and maintaining PCI compliance, you can take significant steps towards achieving this goal. Remember that cost-saving strategies may vary depending on your business type and transaction volume, so regularly review your payment processing arrangements to ensure you’re getting the best deal possible. With a proactive approach, you can keep your processing fees in check and enhance your business’s financial health.

For a free savings analysis, reach out to Empower Payments to start saving on your fees and giving back to the charity of your choice!

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Empower Payments is a registered ISO of Fifth Third Bank, N.A., Cincinnati, OH.